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標題: 我隻貓貓冇乜胃口,點算好? [打印本頁]

作者: bobomeow    時間: 2009-2-28 00:41     標題: 我隻貓貓冇乜胃口,點算好?

我隻Bobo都係摺耳貓,11個月,但只得 said she is underweight, but check 過身體又幾健康
try過好多方法,換過好多種貓糧佢都唔係好食,連canned food 都冇乜興趣咁
this is a group i created for my bobo meow, hv a look if anyone interest ar...^^
作者: doriswong    時間: 2009-2-28 00:58

有冇同貓貓做過骨骼既檢查呀, 我波子而家一歲半都係得2.3KG.. 佢係身型好細隻, 全因為佢既病影响佢既體型發展..
如果冇這方面既問題, 當然最好呢.. 如果只係胃口問題, 有試過自己整些新鮮食物給她吃嗎? 或者試吓蒸雞柳, 蝦, 羊肉俾佢食睇下鐘唔鐘意食.. 都可以加少少南瓜粒嚟蒸都可以, 我哋貓都好鐘意食架.
作者: bobomeow    時間: 2009-2-28 01:03

doctor said she had 骨骼 problem, but she is still young & fine now..
i will try to make some fresh dishes for her tomolo, see see she like to eat or not
realli thank you so much ar ^^
wish yr 波子 have a happy & healthy life with you ^^
作者: bobomeow    時間: 2009-2-28 01:15     標題: 回復 2# 的帖子 the way, i know  yr baby 波子 had 針灸, is 針灸 useful? and where you take yr 波子 to 針灸ka? expensive ma? thank you
作者: floratam    時間: 2009-2-28 22:59

你隻貓有骨骼問題, O甘有冇食緊O羊葯呀? 如果貓貓覺得痛, 佢地都會唔開心, o甘樣都會影響到貓地胃口ga
作者: doriswong    時間: 2009-3-1 00:26

原帖由 bobomeow 於 2009-2-28 01:15 發表 the way, i know  yr baby 波子 had 針灸, is 針灸 useful? and where you take yr 波子 to 針灸ka? expensive ma? thank you
波子對針灸有好好既反應, 佢由行唔到, 到而家可以行, 跑, 跳, 有好大既進步.. 佢係睇天后寵物醫院既dr grace, 價錢中等啦.
作者: bobomeow    時間: 2009-3-1 15:04     標題: 回復 5# 的帖子

yes ar..she is eating supplement, hope it can prevent her problem of bone not getting serious
作者: floratam    時間: 2009-3-1 18:46

有冇食止痛葯呀? 你去依度睇下O拉 ... &extra=page%3D1
作者: bobomeow    時間: 2009-3-9 03:07

thank you so much
作者: fghi474    時間: 2009-5-13 16:12     標題: 地?站??性的的一幕!!美?

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